Updated on 26-04-2020 150 Views dry co m s fruit individual ashok
M/S ASHOK DRY FRUIT & CO. Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) or GST Identification Number is 01ABPPS5156B1ZT. M/S ASHOK DRY FRUIT & CO. is a Business based in . M/S ASHOK DRY FRUIT & CO. was registered on None.
Their GST Registration Status is . The main business activities of M/S ASHOK DRY FRUIT & CO. is Not Available.
M/S ASHOK DRY FRUIT & CO.'s PAN number is ABPPS5156B.
Legal Name | |
Trade Name | M/S ASHOK DRY FRUIT & CO. |
PAN | ABPPS5156B (Individual PAN) |
GSTIN / UIN Status | |
Total No. of Registrations | 1 |
Dealer Type (Registration Type) | |
Entity Type (Constitution of Business) | |
State Jurisdiction | |
Centre Jurisdiction | |
Registration Date | None |
Cancellation Date | None |
Business | Not Available |
State | Jammu and Kashmir (01) |
Address | None |
PIN | 180012 |
Tax Returns of 01ABPPS5156B1ZT
What is the Name of 01ABPPS5156B1ZT?
01ABPPS5156B1ZT Name is M/S ASHOK DRY FRUIT & CO. and .
What is the GST Number of M/S ASHOK DRY FRUIT & CO.?
M/S ASHOK DRY FRUIT & CO.'s GST Number is 01ABPPS5156B1ZT and it is registered in India.
What is the Official Address of GST 01ABPPS5156B1ZT M/S ASHOK DRY FRUIT & CO.?
01ABPPS5156B1ZT GST M/S ASHOK DRY FRUIT & CO.'s official address is None.
What is the State of Jurisdiction of 01ABPPS5156B1ZT GST Number?
01ABPPS5156B1ZT is registered in Jammu and Kashmir State of India.
What is the PAN type of M/S ASHOK DRY FRUIT & CO.?
M/S ASHOK DRY FRUIT & CO. tax payer with GSTIN 01ABPPS5156B1ZT is of Individual.
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