S S P J & CO.

 Updated on 21-12-2019    116 Views    firm co

S S P J & CO. Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) or GST Identification Number is 04AATFS5181M1ZI. S S P J & CO. is a Business based in . S S P J & CO. was registered on 01-08-2017.
Their GST Registration Status is Active. The main business activities of S S P J & CO. is Supplier of Services.
S S P J & CO.'s PAN number is AATFS5181M.

Legal NameS S P J & CO.
Trade NameS S P J & CO.
PANAATFS5181M (Partnership Firm PAN)
GSTIN / UIN StatusActive
Total No. of Registrations1
Dealer Type (Registration Type)Regular
Entity Type (Constitution of Business)Partnership
State JurisdictionWard 5
Centre JurisdictionRange-Iv
Registration Date01-08-2017
Cancellation DateNone
BusinessSupplier of Services
StateChandigarh (04)

Tax Returns of 04AATFS5181M1ZI


What is the Name of 04AATFS5181M1ZI?

04AATFS5181M1ZI Name is S S P J & CO. and S S P J & CO..

What is the GST Number of S S P J & CO.?

S S P J & CO.'s GST Number is 04AATFS5181M1ZI and it is registered in India.

What is the Official Address of GST 04AATFS5181M1ZI S S P J & CO.?

04AATFS5181M1ZI GST S S P J & CO.'s official address is None.

What is the State of Jurisdiction of 04AATFS5181M1ZI GST Number?

04AATFS5181M1ZI is registered in Chandigarh State of India.

What is the PAN type of S S P J & CO.?

S S P J & CO. tax payer with GSTIN 04AATFS5181M1ZI is of Partnership Firm.