C&P Electric Engineers

 Updated on 31-01-2020    104 Views    khan electric c p individual sayyam engineers

C&P Electric Engineers Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) or GST Identification Number is 06AUPPK7227A2ZP. C&P Electric Engineers is a Business based in . C&P Electric Engineers was registered on 01-07-2017.
Their GST Registration Status is Active. The main business activities of C&P Electric Engineers is Factory / Manufacturing, Office / Sale Office, Wholesale Business, Others, Works Contract, Recipient of Goods or Services, Warehouse / Depot.
C&P Electric Engineers's PAN number is AUPPK7227A.

Trade NameC&P Electric Engineers
PANAUPPK7227A (Individual PAN)
GSTIN / UIN StatusActive
Total No. of Registrations2
Dealer Type (Registration Type)Regular
Entity Type (Constitution of Business)Proprietorship
State JurisdictionFaridabad (West) Ward 12
Centre JurisdictionRange -4 (Jurisdictional Office)
Registration Date01-07-2017
Cancellation DateNone
BusinessFactory / Manufacturing, Office / Sale Office, Wholesale Business, Others, Works Contract, Recipient of Goods or Services, Warehouse / Depot
StateHaryana (06)

Tax Returns of 06AUPPK7227A2ZP


PeriodFiling DateStatus
Jun 201827-07-2018Filed
Mar 201810-05-2018Filed
Feb 201807-06-2018Filed
Jan 201805-05-2018Filed


PeriodFiling DateStatus
Jun 201823-07-2018Filed
May 201811-06-2018Filed
Apr 201807-06-2018Filed
Mar 201805-05-2018Filed
Feb 201803-04-2018Filed
Jan 201808-03-2018Filed


What is the Name of 06AUPPK7227A2ZP?

06AUPPK7227A2ZP Name is C&P Electric Engineers and SAYYAM KHAN.

What is the GST Number of C&P Electric Engineers?

C&P Electric Engineers's GST Number is 06AUPPK7227A2ZP and it is registered in India.

What is the Official Address of GST 06AUPPK7227A2ZP C&P Electric Engineers?

06AUPPK7227A2ZP GST C&P Electric Engineers's official address is None.

What is the State of Jurisdiction of 06AUPPK7227A2ZP GST Number?

06AUPPK7227A2ZP is registered in Haryana State of India.

What is the PAN type of C&P Electric Engineers?

C&P Electric Engineers tax payer with GSTIN 06AUPPK7227A2ZP is of Individual.