Brijwasi Misthan Bhandar

 Updated on 21-12-2019    103 Views    brijwasi misthan individual bhandar

Brijwasi Misthan Bhandar Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) or GST Identification Number is 06FMTPK1141Q1ZF. Brijwasi Misthan Bhandar is a Business based in . Brijwasi Misthan Bhandar was registered on None.
Their GST Registration Status is Active. The main business activities of Brijwasi Misthan Bhandar is Not Available.
Brijwasi Misthan Bhandar's PAN number is FMTPK1141Q.

Legal Name
Trade NameBrijwasi Misthan Bhandar
PANFMTPK1141Q (Individual PAN)
GSTIN / UIN StatusActive
Total No. of Registrations1
Dealer Type (Registration Type)
Entity Type (Constitution of Business)
State Jurisdiction
Centre Jurisdiction
Registration DateNone
Cancellation DateNone
BusinessNot Available
StateHaryana (06)

Tax Returns of 06FMTPK1141Q1ZF


What is the Name of 06FMTPK1141Q1ZF?

06FMTPK1141Q1ZF Name is Brijwasi Misthan Bhandar and .

What is the GST Number of Brijwasi Misthan Bhandar?

Brijwasi Misthan Bhandar's GST Number is 06FMTPK1141Q1ZF and it is registered in India.

What is the Official Address of GST 06FMTPK1141Q1ZF Brijwasi Misthan Bhandar?

06FMTPK1141Q1ZF GST Brijwasi Misthan Bhandar's official address is None.

What is the State of Jurisdiction of 06FMTPK1141Q1ZF GST Number?

06FMTPK1141Q1ZF is registered in Haryana State of India.

What is the PAN type of Brijwasi Misthan Bhandar?

Brijwasi Misthan Bhandar tax payer with GSTIN 06FMTPK1141Q1ZF is of Individual.

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