Yuto Printing & Packaging (India) Private Limited

 Updated on 22-12-2019    133 Views    yuto limited company india private packaging printing

Yuto Printing & Packaging (India) Private Limited Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) or GST Identification Number is 09AAACY8615N1ZO. Yuto Printing & Packaging (India) Private Limited is a Business based in . Yuto Printing & Packaging (India) Private Limited was registered on 17-04-2018.
Their GST Registration Status is Active. The main business activities of Yuto Printing & Packaging (India) Private Limited is Factory / Manufacturing, Recipient of Goods or Services, Export, Import.
Yuto Printing & Packaging (India) Private Limited's PAN number is AAACY8615N.

Legal NameYuto Printing & Packaging (India) Private Limited
Trade NameYuto Printing & Packaging (India) Private Limited
PANAAACY8615N (Company PAN)
GSTIN / UIN StatusActive
Total No. of Registrations1
Dealer Type (Registration Type)Regular
Entity Type (Constitution of Business)Private Limited Company
State JurisdictionSector-3,Gautambudha Nagar
Centre JurisdictionRange - 6
Registration Date17-04-2018
Cancellation DateNone
BusinessFactory / Manufacturing, Recipient of Goods or Services, Export, Import
StateUttar Pradesh (09)

Tax Returns of 09AAACY8615N1ZO


PeriodFiling DateStatus
Sep 201911-10-2019Filed
Aug 201910-09-2019Filed
Jul 201909-08-2019Filed
Jun 201910-07-2019Filed
May 201910-06-2019Filed
Apr 201910-05-2019Filed
Mar 201910-04-2019Filed
Feb 201908-03-2019Filed
Jan 201909-02-2019Filed


PeriodFiling DateStatus
Sep 201919-10-2019Filed
Aug 201921-09-2019Filed
Jul 201920-08-2019Filed
Jun 201919-07-2019Filed
May 201920-06-2019Filed
Apr 201920-05-2019Filed
Mar 201920-04-2019Filed
Feb 201909-03-2019Filed
Jan 201920-02-2019Filed


PeriodFiling DateStatus
Dec 201811-01-2019Filed
Nov 201810-12-2018Filed
Oct 201805-11-2018Filed
Sep 201809-10-2018Filed
Aug 201811-09-2018Filed
Jul 201813-08-2018Filed
Jun 201811-07-2018Filed
May 201807-06-2018Filed
Apr 201807-06-2018Filed


PeriodFiling DateStatus
Dec 201819-01-2019Filed
Nov 201820-12-2018Filed
Oct 201820-11-2018Filed
Sep 201820-10-2018Filed
Aug 201819-09-2018Filed
Jul 201816-08-2018Filed
Jun 201819-07-2018Filed
May 201820-06-2018Filed
Apr 201819-05-2018Filed


What is the Name of 09AAACY8615N1ZO?

09AAACY8615N1ZO Name is Yuto Printing & Packaging (India) Private Limited and Yuto Printing & Packaging (India) Private Limited.

What is the GST Number of Yuto Printing & Packaging (India) Private Limited?

Yuto Printing & Packaging (India) Private Limited's GST Number is 09AAACY8615N1ZO and it is registered in India.

What is the Official Address of GST 09AAACY8615N1ZO Yuto Printing & Packaging (India) Private Limited?

09AAACY8615N1ZO GST Yuto Printing & Packaging (India) Private Limited's official address is None.

What is the State of Jurisdiction of 09AAACY8615N1ZO GST Number?

09AAACY8615N1ZO is registered in Uttar Pradesh State of India.

What is the PAN type of Yuto Printing & Packaging (India) Private Limited?

Yuto Printing & Packaging (India) Private Limited tax payer with GSTIN 09AAACY8615N1ZO is of Company.